Thursday, September 29, 2011

So Close!

The first video from my Youtube channel for this exchange! Thank you all for keeping with me on my little adventure overseas:)

So like I said in the video, I'm going to explain why I was delayed.

On July 1st a law was passed in Spain that changed the way visas were processed and issued from the consulate. Well, the consulate in Chicago (my consulate) did not interpret this law correctly and messed up the visas of the students in the area. The visas were sent back to Spain, and sat there while the Chicago consulate tried to solve things. Once the confusion was resolved, however, the visas got lost on their trip to the U.S. So, because of all of this there was a long delay where nothing was happening, which was basically when I was telling you all, "I don't know when I'm leaving."'

It was very frustrating knowing that I was only one of twelve kids who were being delayed like this for my departure. It certainly added a unique twist onto my story, though, which I definitely cannot complain about.

So tomorrow I finally leave the country and I will be in flight for over ten hours total! My sleep schedule is going to be a mess, but I arrive on a saturday morning so hopefully I will get everything in order by the time I hit back school on Monday! School is going to be very tough but I'm also extremely excited for what lies ahead!

I'll be sure to make a post when I finally land, and maybe even in between flights tomorrow:) Keep in touch!

Hasta Luego!